Sunday, December 4, 2011

Alice, I need your helmet

Mitchell got a helmet this week to help re-shape his flat head. He doesn't seem to be too broken up about it...

We hope to get some cute designs (i.e. BYU logo) on it this week so he can really look like a little football player:)


  1. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I didn't know he had to get a helmet. I totally love it!! How long does he have to wear it? I know quite a bit of kids that have had to do this. Oh and I LOVE the title of the post. I am dying laughing!!!!

  2. We've been watching brady bunch around here. Very fitting title!

  3. I love Mitchell in his little helmet... He's so adorable!!!

  4. The title was great and the pictures were even better. He doesn't seem to mind it at all (at least in the pics.)

  5. I couldn't wait to see what kind of post this was with a title like that! Ahahahaha! And what a cutie patootie!

  6. That kid is hillarious and possibly the happiest baby I have ever known...even with his helmet! Michael was wondering about the title of the post..I don't think I ended up telling him. So funny!

  7. D'aaawwww! It took me a while to get what the title of the post meant. Too cute XD
